FST with Yoga

Continuous practice of asanas provides an amazing body strength, improves concentration & mind engagement and better flexibility with time.

INR 4999 /-

What will you learn?

Your body is smart. If you make it do something repetitively, over time it will get used to it and become so good at it that you don’t have to work that hard anymore. This is the real definition of ‘Abhyasa’ when you practice it so much that everything becomes so effortless for your  body & mind. If we talk about yoga asanas then it works on the overall body system where every posture is a combination of posture, breath and strength. Continuous practice of asanas provides an amazing body strength, improves concentration & mind engagement and better flexibility with time.

For a beginner every posture is a challenge. Imagine a client’s body that has been covered with a lot of health issues including PCOD, cervical spinal issues, where joints are not working properly, range of motion is below average, endurance is lowest and mind engagement is zero. Such clients need motivation and dedication. Small targets and progress is a tool for dedication for such clients. Being a Yoga practitioner , yoga teacher & fitness trainer I know that yoga or any training program is not a game for one or two days, it's like a sadhna of many many years. Every asana is a set of many small preparatory asanas & to be even an average student we need a lot of patience, dedication, desireless struggle, and lots more fun during practice. In today’s time where people need quick results in less time it was such a difficult task for me to design an effective yoga program for such clients. So, I have realized a need for a program where a full body can be active with some ‘day-to-day’ exercise postures that clients are familiar with and also that will help clients to build a certain level of endurance, strength & muscle building. This program is called FST- Functional Strength Training , when applied with a yoga program - it provides quick and wonderful results in terms of client’s fitness growth, mind engagement & motivation. Planning such a mix up program for some specific weight loss clients - yoga asanas & FST, together is the perfect match. 

Learn it and try it out for your most unstable, demotivated and beginner clients. Provide them good results in a shorter duration and let them feel good & satisfied. 

What will you get?

Lifetime access to,

  1. Videos for exercises
  2. PDF manuals of course
  3. Email ID of course creator to clear your doubts

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